Microblading After-Care Information
MicroBlading (semi-permanent makeup) procedures are affected by the “canvas” (your skin) that they are
performed on. Lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery and other procedures, and age of skin all contribute to fading. The initial application is always applied conservatively because every person’s skin is different and the final color can only be precisely determined and adjusted during a follow-up appointment after the initial application has fully healed. Because of this, the micropigmentation process is not complete after the initial procedure. In all cases, a follow-up appointment is required approximately 30-60 days after your initial application to fine tune and ensure the best result. Though rare, infection is possible. If you see signs of infection such as persistent increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage, or oozing, contact your doctor immediately.
After Appointment Instructions
The Day of the Treatment: Absorb
Gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid. Do this as needed until oozing has stopped. Removing this fluid prevents hardening of the lymph.
Wash with antibacterial soap before bed the night of your first appointment. Apply a thin layer of Aquaphor (rice grain amount between both brows).
NOTE: To wash correctly, gently massage your eyebrows in a circular motion with water and an antibacterial soap like Dial Soap, Cetaphil, or Neutrogena. With a light touch, use your fingertips to gently cleanse the eyebrows. Rub the area in a smooth motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away. To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliants.
Days 2-10 Moisturize and Wash
Wash twice a day to remove bacteria and dead skin (morning and night). Do not worry...THIS DOES NOT REMOVE THE PIGMENT!
Continue with Aquaphor application after washing.
NOTE: Be sure not to over-apply as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The ointment should be barely noticeable on the skin.
FOR OILY SKIN: If you suffer from oily skin, it is okay to skip an application of Aquaphor. Just make sure your microbladed brows are not drying out.
SCABBING NOTE: Ombre/Powder brow and shading will cause some scabbing to occur (regular microblading can as well). If your brows start to scab, DO NOT pick at scabs. Allow them to naturally fall off. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color.
Days 10-14+ Continued Healing
Microblading requires a healing process of 4-8 weeks, but most customers see full visible results in 2- 3 weeks. Your brows will go thru many changes during this time. We must wait 4-8 weeks to fully allow your skin to heal underneath. After this time, we can perform a touchup.
NOTE: You know your body. If you feel brows need moisture after the recommended 10 days (itchiness, flaking, dry skin etc.), apply a layer of Aquaphor. This will not hurt anything. Listen to your body and do what is best for you.

If you’ve never had microblading before, there are a lot of unknowns. Microblading healing will go through phases. One of the most common questions we are asked is what to expect during the healing process. Every person is different, some people will heal quickly while others will not. Some will have irritableness, dry patches/scabbing, bruising etc. while others many not. Every healing process will be its own unique journey but generally here is what you can expect on a day-by-day basis
Temporary side effects: include but are not limited to: redness, swelling, puffiness, bruising, dry patches and tenderness.
Day 1-3
The eyebrows are approximately 20-25% bolder and darker in width than they will be when healed. Expect light to moderate swelling and redness. The skin’s redness causes the color of the pigment to appear darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow to flake away and a more narrow appearance will result. New skin will heal over the pigmented area and result in a softer appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows initially appear darker and heavier in size than you desire. This is all part of the process.
Day 3-5
Eyebrows look very dark, then start to flake off. As the pain and tenderness go away, your brows will darken and thicken. They’ll still look very bold. By day 5, your brows will begin to scab. They will be flaky and extremely itchy. This is normal and means your skin is healing. The skin begins to flake, peeling from the outside edges first. TRY NOT TO ITCH OR PEEL.
Day 5-8
Flaking continues and the color fades. Resist the temptation to pick the scabs, which can reopen the wounds and disrupt the healing process. It might also remove some pigment, resulting in patchy brows. Let the scabs flake off naturally instead. As your brows continue to flake, the
dark color will soften. But rest assured that the color will come back. As the color finishes flaking off it appears softer and grayer for a few days until color neutralizes.
Day 8-12
After the first week, the flaking will gradually stop. The color will also return. The color has lightened from its initial overly-dark appearance.
Day 12-21
The color of your eyebrows should look more even and natural. The final color begins to stabilize and show through. The color will continue to soften as the healing process completes. You should expect to lose approximately 1/3 of the initial color during the healing process. We have
selected the optimal pigments for you with this in mind. The individual brow hairs will also look more defined, creating the appearance of feathery eyebrows.
Day 21-30
After 1 month, your skin will be completely healed. You shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort. Your eyebrows should also look soft and full. In another month or two, you’ll likely have a follow-up appointment with your provider. This allows them to check on how your skin has healed, as well as fix any spots. Full healing takes at least 4 weeks. Optimal healing and touchup timing is 6-8 weeks after your initial appointment. After your touchup appointment your brows are at perfection!
Eyebrow MicroBlading Healing Schedule
Things to Avoid After Your Appointment
● Avoid sweating such as from vigorous exercise for 24 hours.
● For at least one week post-procedure or until healing is complete (whichever is longer):
○ Keep your hands clean and avoid touching the affected area(s).
○ Do not scrub or pick treated areas.
○ Do not use peroxide or Neosporin on treated areas.
○ Do not expose area to direct sun or to tanning beds.
○ Avoid exposing the area excessive moisture or humidity, such as: facials, swimming, whirlpools
(hot tubs), saunas, steam rooms, and steamy showers.
● Avoid Retin-A, moisturizers, glycolic acids, exfoliants and anti-aging products at all times (not just during
healing) on all micropigmented areas. These can cause pigments to fade and lighten prematurely.
● Avoid tanning beds, sun, chlorine spas and pools, soap and chemicals (including skin cleansers, makeup
removers, alpha hydroxyl creams, and tooth whitening toothpaste) near the treated area until healed.
● Pigments will slowly fade over time. Schedule maintenance visits as needed to keep it looking fresh. Client is aware that the pigment applied may migrate.
● Do not resume any method of eyebrow hair removal or coloration for at least two weeks.
Avoid eyebrow tinting within 48 hours before or two weeks after the procedure.
Periodic touch ups will ensure longer lasting results.